Thursday, August 7, 2008

Bows, Time Outs and Working for Food

Natalie has been wearing pigtails for sometime now and I've finally made some bows for her to wear. If your interested in any bows for your little princess just let me know.

Well, I have discovered that time outs work much better with Miss Natalie than spankings. On Monday, she was playing with my feet and bit my toe. Yeah, I know it sounds funny, but it made me scream. So, I sat her in time out. She cried like I had just broken her heart. I told her she had to sit there until I said she could get up. Surprisingly she sat there for a few minutes and stopped crying. I loved on her and told her that we don't bit even to play. She was great the rest of the day! Who knew! I am so excited that this method is working.

We had fresh corn for dinner the other night and Natalie decided she wanted to help me clean it. She did a wonderful job!

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