I've been procrastinating about posting pics from Thanksgiving. I took so many that I'm still not sure which ones to post. That and they never seem to get laid out like I want them. (By the way, if anyone knows how to upload and layout pictures on here without all the white gaps PLEASE let me know!) We had a wonderful time visiting Grammie and Gramps (my parents). Uncle Joe, Aunt Cole, Uncle Matt, Papa, and Patrick were also there. Oh, and we can't forget all the dogs (mom and dad's 2, papa's 3 and our 1). Wednesday was pretty relaxing. Joe, Cole and Matt got there that night and we just hung out. Thursday morning, mom, Na

talie and I finished preparing lunch.

Natalie helped me make sweet potatoes. Then, she helped Grammie make rolls. She played in the flour and even ate some of the raw dough. Yuck! Uncle Matt carefully snuck in for a picture. I can't imagine why he didn't want flour all over him. She loves to help in the kitchen as you can see.

After lunch, and everyone's naps, we spent some time outside. The weather was beautiful! Nat rode her little four wheeler for a while. She's really getting good at learning how to make it turn. Then, she rode around with Aunt Cole and Uncle Joe on the lawn mower. She waved, blew us kisses and said, "Whee!" while waving her arms in the air. She had so much fun!

Natalie just had to explore what flowers were left in Grammie's flower beds. I think she even picked a few for us. As you can see, she's wearing her favorite outfit-just a diaper. I promise it was warm. I love this picture of her and Cole. She's really warmed up to Cole. She spent pretty much all afternoon with her.

Natalie also had a great time playing in the dirt pile. She even played "swords" with Uncle Joe. I'm not sure which one of them had more fun.

Uncle Matt, Uncle Joe and Aunt Cole had to leave Thursday night 'cause the guys had to work on Friday. Here's a few snapshots we took.

On Friday, Grammie and I spent the day shopping. Yes, we are crazy and love to shop on Black Friday! We only get to go every other year, so we love it even more. Grammie and Gramps live about 45 minutes from Waco, so we didn't want to leave too early. There's nothing that we needed that badly. We made our list and started out about 6:45. We got back that evening right before 6. Natalie stayed with daddy and had a a great time, too. She loves to play in the sink at Grammie's. Her favorite food was the German Chocolate cake. She couldn't shovel it in fast enough!

On Friday, Gramps took us behind the school (where he works) to show Nat some piggies. She wasn't sure about them at first, but then we couldn't get her to leave. I think she would have gotten in the pen to play with them!

When we got home on Saturday, daddy put up our tree. We had a great time decorating it. Natalie even put on a few ornaments for the first time. She loves the tree!

I made Nat a couple of Christmas bows yesterday. They turned out really cute! The one on the right is huge, but I love it!