These two are actually from a week or so ago. Natalie said her monkey was shoo-wee. So, she pulled her changing pad down and proceeded to change his diaper. She even used wipes! She was so cute!
Nat loves to play with her daddy. She was snuggling up to daddy the other night. I just love this picture.
I have a new hairdresser. Unfortunately, she's still working on her skills. She loves to brush and play with my hair. I think she's the cutest one I've ever seen! (I know the pic on the left is blurry, but it was still so cute!)
Yesterday, I made bread for our youth bake sale. Of course, Nat had to be my helper. She loves to cook and clean! She's my littl helper in just about everything I do. She helped me count the scoops and pour the flour. She's learned where she can touch the mixer so she won't get hurt.
I was planning on taking both loaves to the bake sale, but after smelling fresh break bake, I couldn't bear it! I kept one loaf for us. I did, however, end up making another two loaves last night to take as well. Nat loved the bread! She looks mad, but she's just trying to smile with a mouth full of bread. I think it's one of my favorite smells and things to eat.
This morning while I was getting ready for the bake sale, Nat was watching Hermie. She looked so cute! I just had to snap a quick picture to share!
Natalie is learning so many new things. If you ask her what her name is she will tell you Natalie Tollison. I'm so proud of her! One of her newest things is hopping around like a frog saying ribbit, ribbit. I'm not sure where she learned it from, but I'm so proud of her. She's also learning her colors. Her favorites are pink and purple. She's like a little sponge soaking up everything around her.
So, now you know more about what our days are like. I spend some time cleaning house, but most of it is spend with my wonderful family that God has blessed me with!
1 comment:
You've made me want to make some bread. I've never actually made it myself, but I do like how it smells when baking. You'll have to give me your recipe. That sounds yummy.
She is such a cutie. I can't wait to meet your next bundle of joy! That's a cute pic of her and her daddy!
You want to get together one day next week?
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