We had a wonderful Valentine's day! I made a special biscuit recipe that my mom used for Valentine's day when we were growing up. I cut out heart shapes and put a spoon of jelly in the center. Sorry, I didn't take a picture, but they were yummy! Natalie went to visit Grammie and Grandpa for the weekend. She had a great time. Michael and I had a youth banquet Friday night. Saturday, we painted Laney's room (it's pink!!!) and enjoyed dinner and movies at home. I'll post pics of Laney's room once it's a little cleaner.
Natalie had little blisters on her ankles from a pair of shoes she loves to dress up in. Well, at Grammie's, they bled a little bit and she flipped out! I know the picture is blurry, but I thought it was so funny! She was fine once she had a band aide on her boo boo. Talk about a drama queen!
I finally painted my toenails. I can barely reach them, but it was worth it! They're pretty (at least for a few weeks)!
I've been meaning to post a picture of this shoe since Christmas. It makes me sick just looking at it. We got them for Natalie for Christmas. Somehow, when we were at Nana and Pops' house, the other shoe disappeared. We're not sure if it's still hiding somewhere, if one of the girls threw it away or what. It's a mystery to us. Either way, I have one adorable brand new shoe. It's only been worn once!
Last week I made velveeta mac and cheese for dinner. I think Natalie ate at least half of the box. She really enjoyed it!
These pictures were taken yesterday between church services. In the first one, Nat was playing dress up with her socks and shoes. I think I'm in trouble 'cause the girl loves shoes!
Here, I took my complete attention off of her for 2 minutes. How can a two year old do this in such a short time?!?
I've been continuing to work on my list of projects before Miss Laney arrives. Here are a few more I've finished. I found this pattern for a car seat tent here http://infarrantlycreative.blogspot.com/2009/01/car-seat-tent.html. The pattern was really easy! I went ahead and cut slits in the sides so the fabric can hang better. I did that after I took this picture. I aslo made a matching flower for the other strap. Now, I just need to get buttons to finish them off. I found some really adorable ones at Wal-Mart I just haven't brought myself to pay $2 for each of them. I think they'll be worth it, though, even if I pay almost as much for them as I did for the fabric. Anyway, I think it makes the car seat look much more girly.
I spent most of today making this dress for Laney. I found the pattern here http://madebyrae.blogspot.com/2008/04/free-itty-bitty-baby-dress-pattern.html. I made the bloomers just from looking at a pair from another outfit. I think we'll bring her home in this outfit. I just love it!
I also made a nursing cover for my friend, Tricia, and one for me. I haven't taken any pictures yet. I'll have to post those in my next blog. To end this blog, I'm posting a picture of my growing belly. It was taken a couple of weeks ago (29 weeks), so I'm probaby a little bigger now. At least I feel like it! Our little Laney will be here in about 9 1/2 weeks or so. We're so excited!
We won't be able to see little Laney in her tent. Can't wait to see her room all decorated. Tell me if there's something specific you want Nat to have for her bday.
That dress is adorable!! I love the fabric for the seat cover..it would have made a pretty dress, too.
Can't wait to see her room!
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