As I was getting ready for church yesterday morning, I was talking to my mom on the phone. She said they were visiting a new church...again. She and my dad have lived in a small country town (much like GS) for 9 years next month and they still haven't found a church where they can get plugged in. Some of my earliest memories are from being in church with my family. My mom taught preschool choir and my dad helped with the bus ministry. Over the years, we moved churches several times, but we always got plugged in quickly and loved serving. So, it breaks my heart that they still haven't found a church.
During our service at MSBC, I worshiped God with all that I was. We have a wonderful music minister who loves the Lord. Then, I drank in every word from our pastor. We are truly blessed to be at a church that loves God and reaches out to our community. Our pastor isn't afraid to preach the Bible. He doesn't just preach all the stuff that makes you feel good. God uses him to bring us His Word that convicts and changes hearts.
I'm saddened that churches like ours are few and far between in our world today. This is evident in my parents' lives. They are seeking a church that reaches out to the community and isn't content with just playing church on Sundays and Wednesdays. I pray that God will lead them to a church where they can worship Him, be taught from His Word, and find a place to get plugged in and serve.
Sometimes being a minister's wife is tough. Most people don't understand unless you've been there or you are directly related to someone who is in ministry. Even through the tough times, I never regret the profession that God has placed us in. We have always served at churches that love God and reach out to people. We have been truly blessed to serve with wonderful people along the way. It is hard when God says it's time to move, but He has always provided us with everything we've ever needed and so much more. Hopefully, we'll be at MSBC for a long time. I've really grown to enjoy small town life. I've also never had so many wonderful and godly friends.
I mentioned in a previous post that our church is participating in GPS 2020. The first phase is to reach everyone in Texas with Christ by Easter 2010. It can seem overwhelming at times. But as our pastor said yesterday. You just have to obey God. He will work in hearts. Only He can call someone to Him and save them. It's not our job to save people. We just need to obey God. The next four months are going to be very busy preparing for a harvest. When I start to wish that things weren't so busy, I try to remember that this is what God has called us to do. This is what our lives should be about. So many times I seem to get caught up in my everyday tasks of cleaning, cooking, clothes and my girls that I forget God wants me to go outside my comfort zone. So many times I feel like I'm just going through the motions. I want God to work in my heart and life. I pray that GPS 2010 will move so many of us outside of our comfort zones to reach out to our community. Watch out GS, God has amazing things in store for us!