Well, we finally got our compuer back this past Wednesday, but I'm just now getting around to blogging. We've got a busy day today, but it's quiet right now while Natalie naps. Michael picked up our Angel Food order this morning in Mineola, then it was off to a birthday party in Canton. On the way home, we stopped at The Dairy Palace...YUM!!! Later this evening, we have a fish fry at the church with our Fun After Fifty-five group from church, then it's off to the church's softball games. Not sure if Nat and I will make the games since I still need to make breakfast for the youth in the morning.

Two weeks ago, we went to Sherman for Michael's 10 year high school reunion. Talk about feeling old! Friday night, we went to the football game while my in-laws kept Natalie. We were supposed to spend the afternoon at the park, but Ike decided to change our plans. That night, we had a couples event at Austin College. Luckily, there were a few people there that I have adopted from Michael as my friends over the past 5 years. Here's a few pictures. The couple in the second picture are our friends, Shelley and Craig. We had a good time visiting family and friends.
Here's possibly the most adorable picture of our little "Indian!" My friend, Jennifer, monogrammed the onesie. It looks so cute! You should see her all decked out. She even has orange, black and white socks to match! I'll have to take a picture at the next football game.
It's really crazy when you realize how much your children are like you! Natalie loves to watch t.v. and movies. She loves to chill out on her couch (like Michael) and cover herself with a blanket (like me). Here, she was chilling out with Michael. She's such a mess!!!
I had the energy to paint somemore trim earlier, but I'm sure Natalie will be up soon, so I may not have time. Oh well...it'll happen some day. Probably later than sooner, but at least it will get done.