Grammie and Grandpa came to visit for Labor Day. They brought Nat a new baby doll. She hasn't put the thing down for very long. It came with all sorts of stuff-bottles, bib, extra clothes, spoon, fork, bowl, diaper, washrag, paci, and even a change of clothes! She even talks baby talk! Earlier this morning I noticed Nat made her talk and then started talking baby talk back to her. Here's a picture of one of her other babies. We had to move her carseat to the other car and it ended up inside in the process. At least she knows what it's for. :)
Here are a few pics from our exciting Labor Day. We just hung out with Grammie and Gramps because the weather was starting to get yucky from Gustav. Somehow, Grammie always avoids the pictures. We'll have to work on that. Nat loved swinging with daddy, smelling the roses with mommy and sharing gatorade with Grandpa. She's definitely a Grammie's girl eventhough you can't tell from the pics. Nat won't have much to do with me when Grammie's around, but that's what grandmas are for.
1 comment: guys are at 5th quarter. Hope it's fun!!! Love the bag and nice french braid you got going on there. See you tomorrow at the s-ball game.
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