I also put Nat's name on this bag to fill with a few little things to give to her when I have Laney. She loves bags, so I know she'll like it.
I also whipped up a diaper and wipe case out of the same material I made Laney's boppy cover. I love the material! I really want to make a little wallet out of it, but it's not something I have to do at this moment.
I bought some material to make Natalie some pj pants, so hopefully I can get those done this week. It's so much cheaper to make them than buy them. I really think it's crazy that her clothes and shoes cost as much as mine! I also need to sew a little piece of material behind Nat's Easter dress so she's not showing off so much chest. Those are my sewing projects for this week along with finishing up painting Laney's name for her wall. The weather is supposed to be nice again, so I think I can get it finished. Hopefully, I can get Laney's shelf and curtains hung, then I'll take post some pictures of her room. I only have a little over 4 weeks before Laney's due to arrive. I'm almost at the point where I'm uncomfortable no matter what. I am very thankful, though, because this pregnancy has been great!
I love the diaper bag!! I just might have to send you some material for you to make me some for Cooper and Caylee !! You truly have a gift sister !!
Hey girl ! It's almost over! I will do what ever is easiest for you. I can do either. Also, if you can do this also the bag that you made Natalie, I would love one of those for Cooper and Caylee if that was not to hard for you to make. I am in no rush, so you just let me know what would be easier for you. Have a great day and I will talk to you soon.
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